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  • Wahman, C. L., Byun, S., Lieny, J., Cascarilla-White, A., Houston, K., Moustaka, M., & Artman-Meeker, K. (accepted). Teachers’ implementation of social and emotional practices during remote instruction

  • Wahman, C. L., Rispoli, K., & Cascarilla-White, A. (accepted). Young children’s social and emotional adjustment and caregiver stress during the pandemic. Early Childhood Education Journal. (link)

  • Houston, K., Gormley, E., & Wahman, C. L. (accepted). Emotion talk in early childhood: A systematic literature review. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education. (link)

  • Wahman, C. L., Steed, E. A., Houston, K., Daniel, J., Williams, B. J., & Esterer, M. (accepted). Blame, Shame, and Rejection: Families’ experiences with preschool suspension and expulsion. Early Childhood Research Quarterly. (link)

  • Light-Shriner, C., Pizzella, D., Schriebner, J.B., & Wahman, C. L. (accepted). Collaborative practices of behavior analysts in school settings: Evidence from the field. Behavior Analysis in Practice. (link)

  • Wahman, C. L., Fettig, A., & Zimmerman, K. (2023). Social and emotional intervention research as justice: A case for accountability. Remedial and Special Education, 1-16. (link)

  • Ling, J., Kao, T.-S. A., Robbins, L. B., & Wahman, C. (2023). Family lifestyle is related to low-income preschoolers’ emotional well-being during COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing, 36(1), 44-54. (link)

  • Wahman, C. L., Steele, T., Steed, E. A., & Powers, L. (accepted). “No Intervention, Just Straight Suspension”: Family perspectives of suspension and expulsion. Children and Youth Services Review.

  • Freedle, A., & Wahman, C. L. (2021). Understanding families’ experiences raising young children with challenging behavior through an ecological lens: A qualitative meta-synthesis. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education. (link)

  • Wahman, C. L., & Anderson, E. J. (2021). A precorrection intervention to teach behavioral expectations to young children. Psychology in the Schools, 58(1), 1189-1208. (link)

  • Wahman, C. L., & Lewis, T. (2020). Exploring feasibility and social validity of a multicomponent social narrative intervention. Education and Treatment of Children, 44, 115-120. (link)

  • Wahman, C. L., Light-Shriner, C. L., Pizzella, D. M. (2020). Effective teaming to bridge support for children with challenging behavior. Young Exceptional Children. Advanced online publication. (link)

  • Wahman, C. L., Pustejovsky, J., Ostrosky, M. M., & Santos, R. M. (2019). Examining the effects of Social StoriesTM on challenging behavior and prosocial skills in young children: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education. Advance online publication. doi:10.1177/0271121419855692 (link)

  • Price, C., & Steed, E. (2016). Culturally responsive strategies to support young children with challenging behavior. Young Children, 71(5), 36-43. (link)

  • Price, C. L., Ostrosky, M. M., & Santos, R. M. (2016). Strategies for reflecting on books that include characters with disabilities. Young Children, 71(2), 30-37. (link)

  • Price, C. L., Ostrosky, M. M., & Mouzourou, C. (2015). Exploring representations of characters with disabilities in library books. Early Childhood Journal, 44(6), 563-572. doi: 10.1007/s10643-015-0740-3. (link)

  • Thompson, C. K., Cho, S., Price, C., Wieneke, C., Bonakdarpour, B., Rogalski, E., Weintraub,S., & Mesulam, M. M. (2012). Semantic interference during object naming in agrammatic and logopenic Primary Progressive Aphasia (PPA). Brain and Language, 120, 237-250.

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